global gPlatform, gCDDrive, gURL, gMA, gBrowserLoc, gPathsep
if gBrowserLoc = "" then
Alert "To access the Internet using the .net CD-ROM you must have an Internet connection using Internet Explorer as the default browser. Detecting Browser..."
-- First off, check to see whether there is a browser set up
if not objectP(gMA) then
if the machinetype <>256 then
openxlib "MasterAp.pxo"
openxlib "MastrApp.dll"
end if
if the machinetype = 256 then
global j2736d2937m2382, gVoid
set j2736d2937m2382 to "Y7729J3338J3942"
global j2345q8345s3245, gMasterAppObject, gVoid
set j2345q8345s3245 to "u2321h8334k9372"
end if
put MasterApp(mNew) into gMA
if the machinetype = 256 then
set j2736d2937m2382 to gVoid
set j234q8345s3245 to gVoid
end if
if not objectP(gMA) then
alert "No object!"
end if
end if
set gBrowserLoc = gMA(mLocateExecutable, the pathname & "web" & gpathsep & "ie3.htm")
if word 1 of gBrowserLoc = "error:" then
-- Alert "We were unable to detect a IE3 on this system. Trying for Netscape"
set gBrowserLoc = gMA(mLocateExecutable, the pathname & "web" & gpathsep & "netscape.htm")
end if
-- if there is no browser installed on the users' system then tell them and
-- if we can get them to enter a path to it.
if word 1 of gBrowserLoc = "error:" then
Alert "No browser detected. To access the Internet using the .net CD-ROM you must have an Internet connection using Internet Explorer set up as the default browser. Exiting..."
if objectP(gMA) then gMA(mDispose)
if objectP(gMA) then gMA(mDispose)
end if
end if
-- sort out which button they pressed and assign a URL to go to
--alert "Browser found at: " & gBrowserLoc
-- put the bit in here that launches our external browser thing.
--Alert "launching to external Browser. It will launch " & gURL & ".htm"